Monday, March 14, 2011

Hey Hey It's my birthday!!!

Every year in March, two things happen, we have March Break and I celebrate my birthday!

Today I began the downhill glide to 40....and really I'm OK, if you take into account that I self cut some fringe to hide the ever deepening wrinkles on my forehead and have purchased a hair colour to hide some new found white twinkles!  But seriously birthdays are something I think everyone should relish and celebrate!

So what does a whimsical Walton do on her special day?  Nothing!  That's right, nada!  As a matter of fact I haven't stepped into a shower or out of my pajamas yet....pathetic?  Me thinks not!

It wasn't planned to be a day like this....originally I planned to go get keys cut to the dance studio, grab the remaining costumes, finish altering some costumes, apply some rhinestones and complete my list of things to grab at the dancewear store at the end of the week.  But...I didn't.

I did do things, a great many things, as a matter of fact, I filled my day with random self-serving activities.  I made phone calls to my grandmother and best friends.  I played games on the computer because I could!  I read the directions to my new Singer serger and convinced myself that I can teach myself how to serge (or whatever the verb would be).  I received a beautiful plant from a dear friend and mother of my godson. I ate cheezies for lunch and followed it with a dessert of Easter Cream Eggs.

It was a complete "Laura" day...unfortunately there was a little nagging voice that told me that "this is ridiculous" so I also organized the dancewear order and made a list of everything that I need to do this week!

One item on the list was doing my birthday blog so I guess I check this one off!  I thought I would share some of the wonderful gifts that I many people were so thoughtful....

Mac went with Daddy and bought me a new bead for my Pandora. He picked this out "'cause it will remind you of me!"
Here it is with my really is growing....

My sister, Leanne, gave me some money for shopping while we were in the States.  I decided to put it to good use on these super comfy Puma sandals/shoes!  They are perfect for what my bff Kelly and I call "in between" weather!

This was an unexpected but super gift!  A Singer Serger!  My mom and I having been drooling over them for years.  It so happened that while in JoAnn Fabric we came across a super deal and voila great present!

My good friend, Victoria, brought me over a beautiful plant, it looks so springy!  I hope I can keep it alive long enough to see spring!

One of the sweetest gifts...Miss Megs bought these for me with her own hard earned money....she is such a thoughtful person that way and I am so proud of her!  Thanks Megs!

Keeping with the birthday theme, I hope everyone is able to attend my birthday get together on St. Patty's Day at the Bellevegas Boardroom....all the details will be available tomorrow....


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you took the time for you, Laura! :) Happy Birthday (again!).
